Innovations in Standard Penetration Test Techniques for Geotechnical Engineering

The standard penetration test (SPT) is a widely used technique in geotechnical engineering for soil site investigation. The test involves driving a standard split-barrel sampler into the soil using a standard number of blows from a standard weight falling through a standard height. Over the years, various innovations have been made to improve the accuracy, reliability, and efficiency of SPT for geotechnical engineering investigations. This article will discuss some of these innovations. Advancements in SPT Equipment Advancements in SPT equipment have led to the development of more accurate and reliable SPT devices. One such device is the electronic SPT hammer, which uses electronic sensors to measure the blow count and energy transmitted to the soil during penetration. This device eliminates the errors that may result from manual readings and provides more accurate results. Another advancement in SPT equipment is the use of automatic trip hammers. These hammers are equipped with sensor...